Corporate Governance
The Fast Fitness Group has established “Get to a healthier place!” as its corporate philosophy and understands it is important to maximize its corporate value sustainably, contribute to society, and build sound, sustainable trust-based relationships with all of its stakeholders.
Based on this understanding, the Company has set up an Audit & Supervisory Committee and strives to ensure the transparency of its management decision-making and the supervision of its execution of business.
The Company will continue to ensure that information is appropriately disclosed and that its management decision-making and supervision of the execution of business is highly transparent in its efforts to maintain and improve the effectiveness of its corporate governance.
Corporate Governance System Chart

Corporate Governance Report
The Company has submitted its Corporate Governance Report to the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Basic Policy on Internal Control over Financial Reporting
To ensure appropriate financial reporting, the Fast Fitness Group has formulated its Basic Policy on Internal Control over Financial Reporting in accordance with the internal control reporting system based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.