Please complete the following inquiry form and read our Privacy Policy. If you agree to our Privacy Policy, press the [Confirm] button.
We will use your personal information only to respond to your inquiry.
We may respond to you by telephone or letter depending on the content of your inquiry. Please make sure that you have entered the correct phone number and address.


Please approve the following concerning our reply.

  • Please note that it may take time to reply, depending on the details of your inquiry and the timing of their submission.
  • Please note that our IR department refrains from answering the following questions.
    • Questions about non-public information (such as performance forecasts)
    • Questions which may be considered “material facts” as established in Article 166 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (such as shareholder returns and measures to shore up share prices)
    • Questions about price movements in the stock market (such as stock price movements and trading method)
    • Messages which are considered defamation (such as groundless claims and defamatory comments)
    • Sales activities and solicitations made using the inquiry form
  • We have established a “quiet period” which starts on the day following the account closing day and ends on the day of announcement of the financial results for the purpose of preventing the leakage of financial results information and ensuring fairness.
  • We refrain from responding to questions and inquiries during this period.
  • We do not respond to inquiries when we cannot confirm your identity or your contact information.

Information with * is required.

E-mail address Please check your account settings to make sure that you are able to receive emails from and
Company name
Telephone number
Zip code
Your question/opinion